Sometimes our tenants ask for adaptations to help them continue living in their home. Before we make any adaptations to your home, you need an occupational therapy assessment. To request one, phone 0300 123 4042 or go to the Hertfordshire County Council website and fill in the self-referral form: Adult care – how to get care and support from us | Hertfordshire County Council) or contact Hertfordshire Home Improvements Agency.

I need assistance to get an Occupational Therapist Report, who should I contact?

You can contact either:

How Can Hertfordshire Home Improvements Agency help me?

They can:

  • arrange for a community or private occupational therapist to assess your needs, if necessary;
  • contact your housing association or private landlord;
  • make any necessary planning or building control submissions;
  • obtain prices for any building work identified;
  • appoint a trusted contractor.

What Happens when the Occupational Therapists report is completed?

  • The Occupational Therapist will contact us after the assessment to tell us the agreed recommendations.
  • This will provide us with detailed information about what size property is needed and what adaptations are required.

My home can’t be adapted for my needs, what happens then?

  • In some cases, we may not be able to adapt your home, regardless of what the assessment says.
  • In such cases, we will seek to rehouse you to more appropriate accommodation.

Will I be able to bid for Adapted Properties?

  • This depends on your level of need.
  • You will need to apply to the housing register in the normal way, and if accepted will either:
    • be awarded points based on your need
    • placed on the Direct Offer list, as we do not advertise properties with significant adaptions.