We have put together some information to answer the questions we are asked most often about points on the Housing Register. If you would like to view the full details of how we allocate points, please refer to our Housing Allocations Policy, Appendix 1. If you are unsure about your points, and require clarification, please check any correspondence sent to you, or contact the Housing Needs Team directly.

Why are my points lower than on my previous application?

  • The Council's Allocations Policy is reviewed regularly, as required by law. The new version came into effect on 4 July 2022 and includes some changes to the way we calculate points. This changed the number of points for all applicants.

How many points do I need to obtain a property?

  • The number of points needed for a successful bid depends on what properties are available and which applicants chose to apply for them.
  • We publish details of successful bids, including the number of points. This may help you to judge whether you have sufficient points for a particular area or type of property.

I have not been given the correct number of points, how can they be changed?

  • If you believe that you have an incorrect number of points, please log into your account and update your application form.
  • Your points may be updated based on the information you have given us.
  • Please use the supporting information boxes to update the information where possible.

My home is overcrowded, am I eligible for more points?

  • Yes, you may be entitled to overcrowding points if there are insufficient bed spaces and everyone living in your home has been part of the household for the past 12 months.

My third bedroom is very small, does this count as lacking a bedroom?

Do I get points for downsizing?


  • 30 points per bedroom if applicant wants to downsize to a General Needs property
  • 50 points per bedroom if applicant wants to downsize to a Supported Housing property

Do I get extra points if there isn’t a lift in my block?

Not necessarily:

  • These points can only be awarded when another housing need is established.
  • Applicants will not be made active just on these points.