Requesting a Review of Homelessness or Housing Register decision

If you do not agree with our decision on your application, you have the right to ask for it to be reviewed. This means that the case will be looked at again by an officer who was not involved in making the original decision.


This applies to the following:

  • Applications for assistance under homelessness legislation
  • Applications to join the housing register


What can I request a review of?

You can ask for a review of:

A) a decision that you are not eligible for assistance
B) a decision that you are not homeless
C) a decision that you are not in priority need
D) a decision that you are intentionally homeless
E) a decision that the relief duty has ended
F) a decision that your application for homelessness assistance is being referred to another local authority
G) a decision that the council's duty to provide you with temporary accommodation has come to an end
H) a decision that the final offer of accommodation to you is suitable for your household
I) a decision that you do not qualify for the housing register
J) a decision that you should be removed/suspended from the housing register
K) a decision on the steps to be taken to prevent or relieve your homelessness
L) a decision that the prevention duty has ended
M) a decision that you have deliberately and unreasonably refused to co-operate

You can also ask for a review of level of points awarded to yourself. This review can only occur after a decision has been agreed by service Lead Officers.




When can I ask for a review?

You must ask for your review within 21 days of us notifying you of a decision. After 21 days you have no right to a review, but we may consider carrying out a review if there is a compelling reason why you couldn't apply sooner.


How do I ask for a review?

The easiest way to ask for a review is to write directly to the Housing Review team. Please send an email to Alternatively, you can contact us by letter or telephone, details of which can be found on our Contact Us page.


If you wish, you can request someone else to ask for the review on your behalf, for example, a friend, Citizens Advice Dacorum, or a solicitor. When requesting a review, please tell us the reason why you disagree with our decision and provide any information to support your case. For Advocacy Support, please view the Advocacy Support page on our website.


What happens next?

We will acknowledge your request in writing and will tell you the process that will be followed. The review will be completed by a senior officer not involved in the original decision.

You will be able to provide any additional information about your situation and you may be invited to an interview. It is important that you tell the reviewing officer any new information that needs to be considered, especially if your circumstances have changed; otherwise, the review will be based on the facts that we already know.


How long will it take?

In line with statutory guidance, a decision on a review requested on items A to J listed will normally be made within 56 days (eight weeks) from the date that you asked for the review.

A decision on a review requested on items K - M listed above will normally be made within three weeks of the date that you asked for a review, or three weeks from the date we receive any representations that you submit.


Will I be provided with accommodation while the review is carried out?

You can make a request for accommodation to be provided while you wait for the outcome of a review.

When deciding whether to provide you with accommodation, the council will take account of all relevant matters including:


  •  The merits of your case
  • Any new information you have provided
  • Your personal circumstances and the consequences for you if accommodation is not provided

We must also take account of the demands on our resources required to obtain suitable accommodation. We will inform you of our decision and the reasons for it in writing.


What happens when the review is completed?

Once the review has been completed, you will be informed in writing of the decision we have reached.

The letter will explain:

  • What decision has been made on your review
  • What information has been used to come to this decision
  • The reason for the decision


What if I disagree with the review decision?

If you think our review decision is legally wrong, you can make an appeal to the County Court. You have 21 days from the day you receive the decision in which to apply to the Court. We suggest you get legal advice before doing so.


Where can I get independent advice?

The agencies listed below offer free confidential advice and support: